Tuesday, October 28, 2014


An introduction to my lifelong learning Adventure:

Family housing life is a long process development which is acquired throughout the human growth lifespan and influenced by the nature, culture and environment surrounding the childhood, teen-age, youth and adult. These experiences are built throughout the stages in which they develop the understanding of strengthen some beliefs and weaken others within the family house members and the results determined the understanding of the value of the family housing. It enlarge and enlightens experiences and stimulates and enriches imaginations and creates responsibility for accuracy and profession that gives out sound statement and thoughts within the society that  include clan, birth hierarchy , nature and environment and in my own reflection of family housing life; it is imperative to write the anecdote of how and what experience I acquired from childhood until today which staged such as introduction of “Imma’s” clan and birthday, war destructive fare, childhood experience, consequence of wars, informal/the social learning, formal /organized learning,  culture, courtship& marriage, relationship, on-job training. Analysis and reflection on learning, experience and continuity.
The full text, images and discussions of this story can be got in Google Doc, Multimedia websites  and flickr.com  follow the links accordingly.

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