Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The black cotton soil (expansive soil) spreads all over the world continents of Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, United States, South America and Australia.

The greater black cotton soil is considered most lying on the savannah zone where the environment is hot; the atmospheric temperature frequently change this semi-arid tropics can be found of level land and in depressed smaller areas on hill slopes.

According to researcher John Greenfield, who has written an article about using vetiver for stabilization and protection of the black cotton soil; 3% of the world’s cultivatable soils are black
cotton soil; in Africa, the youngest republic of South Sudan has approximately two third of its land soil is composed of black cotton soil stretching from the borders with Sudan and Ethiopia, entering deep to the interior of the country, out of ten states of the republic, six states has been assumed to be having the black cotton soil; namely upper Nile, Unity, Warrap, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Jongulei, Lakes states and Abyei area.
The black cotton soil has a greater challenge to experts, engineers, investors as well as the developers, those investors or donors coming to invest in the country with wholesale programs which have been executed successful in other countries are faced with failures to use as second hand programs.
There is need for researchers to come in and to thoroughly work on how to design and apply developmental programs on the black cotton soil before implementing any program from agriculture activities to building infrastructures.
What contribution shall you offer in solving these challenges of black cotton soil being faced in this nation?

This question, I posted to anyone/reader who comes across this article to give his/her contribution from knowledge, skills and experiences of dealing with black cotton soil.

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