Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Types of buildings in South Sudan

Buildings in the Republic of South Sudan are traditional types of structures; this nation has types of buildings inherited from their ancestors; mainly the three major ethnic groups of Nilo-hamids, Nilotic and the Bantus.

They have a distinct ways of building their houses using grass, palm leaves and paprus from the nile bank and applying ebony wood for poles and mud for the walls and fencing it with thick wood plunks to protect them from attacks by wild animals such as lions, hyenas, elephants etc.

New / modern buildings are recently introduced during the colonial era by the British and these skills are yet practice in the urban towns. The materials use for building using modern skills are either imported from abroad or excavated locally from the ground and the materials excavated within includes lime, cement and crude oil use as DPC material (Damp Proof Course material) - for details of these skills and the types of materials - check photos from

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